
Thursday, December 5, 2019

My camp experience at the farm

camp was fun wish we could stay for a bit longer

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Wacky animal report

LI: to merge two animals together to create a new wacky animal that is represented by the combined characteristics of both the individual animals.
 How did I do it? I choose a wacky animal and I had to write about it and it was fun.

 Reflection: I had to choose a wacky animal from the first slide and then I had to name it and write about it like it’s habitat and other stuff about it.

 Question for the audience: what is your favourite animals

NZ animation

LI: to present an animation that shows our new learning about the different perspectives
of Māori and Europeans first encounters 250 years ago.

How did I do it? I made a slideshow to represent captain cook's journey to find a new island.

Reflection: making the slide got hoha when i got to the maori version
because I didn't want to have to do my slide again because it took me ages
just to make the first one so yeah.

Question for the audience: how hard is it for you to make a slideshow and why is it hard

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Walt: Whaea Donna  has come to show us some movies from another school. We had to pick two of them and we had to write about the lighting, locations, actors, sound effect, an other things we had to describe about the movies it was so much fun.

I enjoyed watching the movies. the movies very funny. my favourites were story time with aunt Ta la,the time machine and the burger ring boy 

the next thin to talk about is the 5 station we had to do to create our google slide the first one is  narrative the second one was cinematography the third one was sound the fourth one was scene and the last one was editing.

what challenged me was trying to find out how to move my slide to my blog so my friend bindi helped me another one was trying to find my slide and trying to remember where i have moved it to i was very hard. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Kia ora my name is manahuia tahu. I go to kaitaia intermediate school. I have 4 cultures rarotonga, maori, samoan, cook islander, nz. I  have 7 siblings i am the third mum’s name is ngametua and my dad's name is munty. I have two cats and one dog and i love them all. I am good at netball,waka ama,writing,reading,maths kind of,handwriting and handball. I enjoy playing with my brothers and sisters,training for waka ama, netball and school. My  challenges are trying to not eat chocolate and cookies,trying to not get angry when i'm not supposed to  and other things. My goals are to learn from my mistakes and be proud of who i am.I am look forward to make sure my grades go up in school so I can do sports and do interesting stuff.